Cape Cod
I always heard people admiring about Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket's beauty along with the facts that these places attract American Presidents. In April 2017 I decided to take a trip to Cape Cod to explore whether it is a midway to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket or it has its much more to offer to visitors.
Staying in Hyannis in Mid-Cape region provided us a convenient way to drive through Lower-Cape and ultimately reached the Provincetown in the Outer Cape.
April's Atlantic Ocean had its unique way and sound even though we could not swim or walk on the beach. I feel Cape Cod's independent stores, tasteful swordfish and other foods, ample paths and lighthouses for outdoor lovers create an atmosphere particularly attract middle-class crowds.

People were helpful and nice. The acceptance of others, the needs for harmony reminded me of "Live and Let Live." Further, it reflected the "soft" side of New England area. I believe each regional or city has its own type just like our individual's personality, my "Typewatching" towards Cape Cod region is to categorize it as an ENSP (Extravert, iNtuitive, Sensor, Perceiver) because it is a charming, accepting and welcoming region. The lifestyle there not necessarily needs rules and regulations.
Cape Cod is absolutely a place that I love to visit more and observe more in the future. It is one of the best ocean resorts in the United States.
Staying in Hyannis in Mid-Cape region provided us a convenient way to drive through Lower-Cape and ultimately reached the Provincetown in the Outer Cape.
April's Atlantic Ocean had its unique way and sound even though we could not swim or walk on the beach. I feel Cape Cod's independent stores, tasteful swordfish and other foods, ample paths and lighthouses for outdoor lovers create an atmosphere particularly attract middle-class crowds.
Cape Cod is absolutely a place that I love to visit more and observe more in the future. It is one of the best ocean resorts in the United States.
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